This weekend I had the privilege of lecturing in Novi Sad, Serbia on the FACE ALIGNER SYSTEM together with Dragana Zeljković one of my students. There is no better feeling than lecturing with one of your students and watching how she’s developed, grown, and become an established and successful orthodontist. It’s a true father and daughter relationship and soon she will have surpassed me and this will be a great moment of joy for me. We not only lectured together but we had fun and enjoyed every minute of our time talking and dining. Dragana is from Novi Sad so as you can imagine lecturing to her people and to her friends was not an easy task but believe me she was fantastic. I was very proud of her and she without any doubt will be a leader in Serbian orthodontics. It’s moments like this that make teaching totally worthwhile. Thank you, Dragana for your friendship, loyalty, and passion for the profession. Orthodontics will be a health profession and not a cosmetic profession thanks to you.
God Bless!